Recycling Champion Nomination Form

Recycling Champion Award Nominations


The Missouri State Recycling Program (MSRP) recognizes state agencies and employees for outstanding contributions in the areas of waste reduction and recycling. Nominations emphasizing the benefits to state government will be given more favorable consideration. Please email with questions.

How Do I Nominate Someone?

Award Categories
Given to a state employee whose actions have significantly furthered waste reduction and recycling within state government.
Given to a team of state employees or state agency for outstanding contributions in the areas of waste reduction and recycling.
Tell us who you want to nominate.
Tell us who you are in case we have questions.
Why are you nominating this person or team?
  • Is your nominee the office recycling champion?
  • Do they make sure your office or agency has products made from recycled materials?
  • Have they reduced waste for your agency?
  • Do they promote reuse? Are they an active user of the online application MOREuse?
More Information
Do you have pictures for this nomination?
If your nominee is chosen, you will be contacted by email to get pictures.