The State Surplus Property Division handles all surplus property (property that is no longer wanted or being used; i.e., desks, chairs, electronics, vehicles, etc.) from state agencies located throughout Missouri.
Once a state agency has determined an item is no longer of use, they report it to MOSASP for a determination of whether the item has value and can be sold or if it has served its usefulness and can be disposed of. Any item of value is auctioned off on the GovDeals auction website, with MOSASP admin fee and the remaining proceeds returning to the state fund that paid for the item. If determined to be of no value, is granted Local Disposal. Once granted Local Disposal, an item can then be recycled or disposed of in a dumpster.
GovDeals auction site can be accessed by anyone with a subscription. People from all over the world have bid on and won lots auctioned off by the State Surplus Property Division.
Electronic SS1
Agency Login for Electronic SS1 Forms Using Web Data 2.0 (must be viewed in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge)
View training (Completed on May 12, 2021 by Michelle Collier) of Web Data 2.0.
Web Data 2.0 How-to Videos
Training Videos for LinkedIn Learning credit.
How to enter an SS1 Electronic Property Submission into Web Data 2.0
How to reset your Web Data 2.0 secure password
How to follow the required steps when Surplus (MOSASP) rejects your SS1; prompting local disposal authorization
- Local Disposal (Rejected Items)
How to import multiple items into a template for bulk import in an electronic SS1

MOREuse is your reuse resource to offer items from one agency to another. Does your agency have items they no longer need, or are you looking for items on a limited or nonexistent budget? MOREuse can help!
Property posted or exchanged on MOREuse is for state agency use only. Property is not available to state employees for private use, and may not be donated or sold to any outside agency or individual. The MOREuse application should be accessed through Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome.